project proposal

What is your topic and who is the target audience?

My topic is what does Davis mean to its residents and people that visit here based around what the seal represents. The target audience will be residents of Davis as well as visitors to the seal and the area who are interested in what others believe is most important to them.

What are some of the features you imagine your project/product would include?

I want to include an interactive list of words that people may associate with Davis and have users select ones, which is then displayed in a word cloud as more answers come in. The words that are selected multiple times will get bigger, or change color, etc, to show how many votes each word has.

Are there possible tangents, challenges, concerns, or vague ideas related to your ideas? (It could go this direction... I am not sure about X, and I don't know how I might deal with Y).

I’m unsure of how to use JSON data in order to create the list that I need, or how to get the code to understand when someone selects a word, that if it already exists then to do x or y.